I made this banner for my Madeit Store, using a photo I took of a very strange sunrise

I made this banner for my Madeit Store, using a photo I took of a very strange sunrise

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Fairy Wands

I have been working on some fairy wands. They are based on some wands my sister made for the nieces in the family (including my daughter) a number of years ago. After much searching I finally found someone who supplies the paper mache wands that are used for the base (we had not seen them around for a long time). The weird thing was, after I finally tracked them down on the net, on my very next trip to Spotlight, what did I find? That's right- paper mache star wands!

I have painted, glittered and then decorated each wand with a variety of ribbons and bells. They were heaps of fun to make and I think they have turned out very well. They can be used for play, dress ups, as a costume accessory or to decorate a room...any way your little fairy princess wants.

I have only just finished the photos, so will be working on listing them in my Made It store tomorrow as the kids are getting hungry now!

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