I made this banner for my Madeit Store, using a photo I took of a very strange sunrise

I made this banner for my Madeit Store, using a photo I took of a very strange sunrise

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Computer Slug

Now this is totally unrelated to anything work or crafty. Just something weird that happened this morning, much to the entertainment of my youngest son and me.

We returned from dropping the others at school (the youngest is home again , although I suspect it is less about him being sick now, and more about milking it for all its worth!). Anyway, I sat down to check my emails, only to discover that there was a little slug sliming its way around my computer screen. I called Master 6 out to have a look. The background is the standard Microsoft Green Rolling Hills job so after asking why it was there, Master 6 jokes that maybe Sluggy thinks that he is really sliding around on grass.

I grab my camera and we giggle away together as Sluggy
leaves the grassy hill to:

"fly up into the sky"

"circle on a cloud"

and then "return to earth".

Quite entertaining and it feels nice to have a good laugh with one of my children early in the day.

I will show the photos to the others when they get home-hopefully it will give them a laugh too!

Until next time...

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